Nick F, 25, NYC

Okay so back in senior year of college I was in my friend's room and he was a sophomore at the time. His roommate was complaining about this one girl who wanted to just "cuddle" while he wanted to get his sexy time on with her and I felt like dropping him a bit of knowledge. I basically went on to go ahead and explain the basics that you can't instantly always sleep or get with with any girl, but you will have to put a little bit of time and effort in with some (which may be marginal at best/worst, depending on how you look at it lol) and even if you do not 'succeed' with that one girl, you create the multiplier effect. 

The secret of the multiplier effect is simply the fact that if you become a likeable guy to one girl and have a reputation of being cute/fun/nice with her. Over time you will begin to meet that girl's friends and your previous "good karma" despite a lack of "success" with her will carry forward with you... and so forth and so forth. Before long, your one failure explodes into many great successes--it's like a good investment.

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